Town of Meenon
Burnett County, WI

The Town of Meenon Monthly Board Meeting is held the 3rd Monday of the month.
Requests for items to be included on the monthly agenda must be submitted to the town office no later than 4:00 PM the Monday preceding the Monthly Board Meeting.

UDC Notice

Town of Meenon Comprehensive Plan Overview


Town of Meenon Comprehensive Plan 2022-2042 (adopted 8/22/2022)


Land Use Planning Committee Volunteers

The Town of Meenon is once again looking for volunteer taxpayers (resident or non-resident) to serve on the Town of Meenon Land Use Planning committee (LUPC).

Taking direction from the Town Board, the Committee’s primary task is to review applicable Conditional Use Permit applications, rezoning requests, and Burnett County zoning ordinance amendments to determine their compliance with the Meenon Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). The purpose of this formal review is to provide input to the Town Board vis-à-vis the Meenon CLUP to assist the board in communicating the position of the Town to the County Land Use and Information Committee. The LUPC may, if requested by the Town Board, work on other issues related to land use. This will ensure the needs, views, and expectations on Land Use for all Meenon residents and property owners is protected. Further, public input to this committee will always be welcome.

Lastly, this committee is committed to working with the Burnett County Land Services Department to ensure the Town of Meenon implements Burnett County land use processes in a timely manner by formally communicating the Town’s needs and wishes relative to land use requests.


For more information, please email the Town Clerk at

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